Ashline Wilde is having a rough sophomore year. She’s struggling to find her place as the only Polynesian girl in school, her boyfriend just cheated on her, and now her runaway sister, Eve, has decided to barge back into her life. When Eve’s violent behavior escalates and she does the unthinkable, Ash transfers to a remote private school nestled in California’s redwoods, hoping to put the tragedy behind her.
But her fresh start at Blackwood Academy doesn’t go as planned. Just as Ash is beginning to enjoy the perks of her new school—being captain of the tennis team, a steamy romance with a hot, local park ranger—Ash discovers that a group of gods and goddesses have mysteriously enrolled at Blackwood…and she’s one of them. To make matters worse, Eve has resurfaced to haunt Ash, and she’s got some strange abilities of her own. With a war between the gods looming over campus, Ash must master the new fire smoldering within before she clashes with her sister one more time…
And when warm and cold fronts collide, there’s guaranteed to be a storm.
All I can say is WOW. This book was amazing, and I know I say that often but that's just because I have great taste in books. This book was great and the female protagonist was done really well; surprising since Karsten Knight is a male! I didn't even know that until after I read the book. You would never have thought that Ashline, the main character, was written by a man because she had moments where she was so feminine. That was a nice twist that made me appreciate the writing even more.
Now, on to Wildefire, Ash Wilde is a Polynesian girl raised by white Jewish Americans in a white Jewish community. She and her sister, Eve, were adopted and brought back to America. Interesting, but it works for the story. Eve has changed so much that Ash doesn't even know her anymore, but it's when Eve does the unthinkable that Ash realizes that she needs to get away and move one to a new environment. Boarding school in California at Blackwood. But, she doesn't know that life is about to get much stranger.
Brought together by a blind girl named Serena, Ash, Rolfe, Raja, Ade, and Lily find out that they are gods and goddesses, brought together there to stop the end of the world (very dramatic I know). Each one with a special power that came about sometime in the past; all except Ash (of course). She has to find out who she is, all the while discovering about the strange little girl in her dreams and keeping her crazy sister at bay.
But, besides that, everyone knows that a story just isn't complete without a hot guy to help the heroine pass the time. Colt Halliday the resident sexy, forest ranger/college freshman, who looks buff enough to fight Smokey Bear and win, but sweet enough to make grandmothers sigh. Not only is he sweet, but he is also totally smitten with Ash. But, since her track record with guys isn't so great she tries to keep him at arms length. Especially when he can be a mystery that she didn't even know to look for.
With her sister popping up occasionally, and her track record of trouble in a week, Ash must figure out whats going on before she gets shocked with a surprise she won't forget. All complied into a great story of adventure and mystery. But, the problem is the ending.
You all know of the curse of the cliffhanger, well this one is a well done cliffhanger. I got to the end and was like WHAT!? OMG! NOOOO! Then, I think I might've cried a little, I really don't know. I just know that if someone doesn't start writing the next book I might have an aneurysm. I mean really Mr. Knight?! You drop a bomb like that and that other thing with Raja (you know what I'm talking about) and expect me to be all gravy and rice. NO! I feel destroyed. Like life is so unfair.
Mr. Knight thank you for cursing me with your wonderfully amazing book with the cliffhanger of death. I appreciated every moment of my slow and painful death and will enjoy when I resurrect to read your next heart stopping literature. So, I bid you an Adieu.
This book was rated:
P.S. - If life was fair this book would've at least had a sneak peek of the next book. :P
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