by Julie Kagawa
A novella told by Puck
A Midsummer's Nightmare? Robin Goodfellow. Puck. Summer Court prankster, King Oberon's right hand, bane of many a faery queen's existence—and secret friend to Prince Ash of the Winter Court. Until one girl's death came between them, and another girl stole both their hearts.
Now Ash has granted one favor too many and someone's come to collect, forcing the prince to a place he cannot go without Puck's help—into the heart of the Summer Court. And Puck faces the ultimate choice—betray Ash and possibly win the girl they both love, or help his former friend turned bitter enemy pull off a deception that no true faery prankster could possibly resist.
***If you haven't read The Iron Queen, do not, I repeat DO NOT read this post***
So, I just read Julie Kagawa's novella that shows a peek of what the dynamic duo, Ash and Puck, shall face on the rode to being with Meghan. We all know that in the last book, The Iron Queen, Meghan Chase, our heroine, became the Queen of the Iron fey, leaving Ash, her love, and Puck, her best friend, behind. The book ends with Ash thinking of his plan to be with Meghan no matter what (aww.) and Puck saying he is tagging alone for the fun (typical Robin)! Well, being the nice person she is, Julie decided to make a little novella for us so that we aren't to stressed about The Iron Knight, which will be coming out in the fall of this year. And, to top it all off, it is told by our trusty friend Robin Goodfellow (AHHHH so much awesomeness I can't even describe)!*COUGH*He's WAY better than Ash*COUGH*
Summer's Crossing has an absolutely beautiful cover. It's green, tying in to the Robin theme since he is always wearing green. It also incorporates vines, Julie's favorite thing obviously because they are on every cover. Except, you can tell it's a novella because Meghan isn't on the cover and it has an animal on it, just like Winter's Passage. It's original, like each cover but it has it's own personality as well. I have to say that Julie Kagawa's books have the best covers for a series - they are cohesive and personal at the same time.
Now, I have to say, I've always been confused on which guy's side I was on. Puck or Ash? It's a hard decision, but I decided with Ash after the last book. I know all you Puck Super Fans are probably calling me crazy (I am, Gilbert, I am.), but I'm not done yet. The reason I like Ash so much is because he is that wounded soul, the guy that has gone through so much crap in life and you just can't help but feel sorry for him. I'm not saying that occasionally I don't want to slap him, because I do, I just feel like Meghan and Ash have that kindled spirit thing going on. BUT, after reading this novella, I've decided I'm TEAM BOTH GUYS! (I'll accept that Gilbert, but this book has only reaffirmed my adoration of Puck)
Getting to hear Puck's inner thoughts won me over. He is brilliant, in a crazy kind of way, but the best people are a little crazy, I mean look at me :). Then, on top of that, he obsesses over Meghan in his mind; he refers to her as my princess and says how he would've been everything for her...I just couldn't resist the protective edge that his thoughts about her took. Then there are his conflicting emotions about Ash; it's like you can tell they were best friends because of how well they know one another. That is Puck's biggest dilemma - helping Ash, which doesn't help him, or don't help Ash and lose whatever it is that they have.
That whole fight in Puck's mind made me want to slap Meghan. Okay, maybe not really slap her, but I just couldn't understand why anyone wouldn't love Puck! Yep Ash-aholics may hate me for it, but that's how I feel. I get that Ash has gone through a lot and deserves to be happy, but hey! Puck deserves happiness too! I especially loved this novella because Puck is the best narrator ever. He's quirky and crazy, and awesome. I was laughing and being entertained by his antics the whole time. But beside the humor of it all, there were some serious Puck moments (no really, there were).
That whole fight in Puck's mind made me want to slap Meghan. Okay, maybe not really slap her, but I just couldn't understand why anyone wouldn't love Puck! Yep Ash-aholics may hate me for it, but that's how I feel. I get that Ash has gone through a lot and deserves to be happy, but hey! Puck deserves happiness too! I especially loved this novella because Puck is the best narrator ever. He's quirky and crazy, and awesome. I was laughing and being entertained by his antics the whole time. But beside the humor of it all, there were some serious Puck moments (no really, there were).
Puck constantly wonders, Why am I still here?, but I think I know why he sticks around. He sticks around because he knows in the end it's all about Meghan. Her happiness is what drives both of them. That's why Ash doesn't try to kill Puck anymore; because he knows how much that would hurt Meghan, even if she is angry or upset at Robin. I guess it goes to show that a girl can be your biggest problem and greatest happiness....that's what Meghan is to both of them.
Which makes me for one, curious about Iron Knight. Really these two on a dashing adventure? It's going to be great. But then my insides feel sad because Puck isn't with Meghan...sigh. I really want to see how Ash gets back to Meghan, or doesn't...which lets Puck get the happy ending...eh? No one? Really? Whatever. *grumbles* Anyway, Julie this novella has brightened my day and has been a joy to read.
Julie, I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for this novella. I don't think I would've been able to survive until the fall because I have this suspicion I will be waiting until October or something, and that's just to long away. It really is! So, cheers to feeding my (ahem, our) inner Iron Fey Series stalker Julie!
Overall, this novella was rated:*
*Because there wasn't enough of it. But then again is there such a thing as too much Puck?
- Gilbert & Gomez
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