For all you Iron Fey fans out there Julie has made our dreams come true (well, with a few limits though)!!!! This is what Julie has done for us:

Today is September 1st.
I think its time for a contest, with a signed arc of THE IRON KNIGHT being the prize. What sayest thou? Good? Excellent, read on.
Since THE IRON KNIGHT is Ash's story, I thought making an Ash-centric contest would be appropriate. So, let me ask you this question:
"If you had one day with Ash (or Puck), what would you do?"

That's right, for one day, I'm letting you borrow Ash or Puck. What you do with them is up to you. It can be a date, an outing, a mischief-laden evening where you set all the zoo animals free and throw tomatoes at mimes (this would probably be with Puck), or whatever. Post your perfect day with Ash or Puck, link it in the comments, and be sure to tweet it using the hashtag #DaywithAsh (or Puck).
Just one rule:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep this G-rated. I will not be amused if either of the boys ends up shirtless in mango-jello, if you know what I mean. (Okay, so I'll be amused, but that post is not going to win an arc.) Also remember that while Puck might tolerate a friendly kiss, Ash is already taken and Meghan will be very annoyed with me if something non-platonic happens. Please respect the established boundaries of the Iron Fey world, that's all I ask. :)
Other then that, have fun with them. ;)
One Ash winner and one Puck winner. I will choose my four favorites and let decide the rest. U.S. and Canada only this time, sorry. Contest will run to September 25th. "Inappropriate" posts will be disqualified.
That's it! Good luck, and have fun. Ash, Puck, be nice to your dates. No turning them into icicles or hedgehogs. Without reason, of course.
Ash: I'm going to kill you for this.
Puck: *Snickers* Oh, they don't know what they're in for.
Me: Maybe this wasn't such a great idea, after all...
Thank you Julie for the f-ASH-tastic contest! :)
Gilbert & Gomez
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